Monday, July 2, 2012


So I know I've failed miserably at the how-to's and the latest products. I've failed miserably at keeping you all up to date on the shop and it's happenings. Truth is---it's wonderful. It's got a steady flow of traffic and each order leaves with a piece of my heart put into it. But there's more. There's so much more I need to put out there that has no home, no place. Kind of like I feel these days.

Illusions are dominating my mindset these days. Or are they delusions? Illusions being how I wish, delusions how they are. There are straws that I've grasped at only to watch them be taken away. Were they given in truth? Were they given with the belief of what I wanted to hear.

I just don't know.

I want to be in love. I want to be in the kind of love that never leaves you with questions. Again that question remains.

Illusion or Delusion?

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